Review each statment.
Based on the statement, select
for those that describe you well, or
for those that do not.
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I learn best when something is explained to me out loud.
I can understand a lecture when I hear a recording.
I often repeat out loud the directions someone has given me.
I am good at using machines or tools.
I remember objects better when I have touched them or worked with them.
I often use my hands and body movement when I’m explaining something.
I prefer to practice drawing diagrams on a whiteboard rather than on paper.
I enjoy small group discussions.
I prefer to learn something new by reading.
I can follow the plot of a story when listening to an audiobook.
If someone says a long word I can count the syllables that I hear.
I learn best by watching someone else first.
I enjoy fixing things at home.
I like to listen and discuss work with a partner.
I can easily recall the size, shape, and color of objects I have seen before.
I tap my fingers or my feet frequently while I am seated.
I enjoy doing activities where I can use my hands.
I enjoy physical activity such as playing sports or working out.
Seeing things in picture form helps me learn best.
I can picture activities or events in my mind easily.
I can easily identify patterns.
I learn better if I’m able to get up and move around.
I speak more than one language.
I usually take notes so that I can look back at the information later.
I have a good memory for songs.
If I wanted to assemble a bike, following instructions with pictures or diagrams would help with each step.
I learn by hearing a recording of my own voice.
I can remember the faces of actors, settings, and other visual details of a movie I saw in the past.
I often write down the directions someone has given me so that I don’t forget them.
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