Review each of the activities shown and rate how you would enjoy that type of work.
Just think of whether you like the activity – don’t worry about your skills or education.
Hate it
Dislike it
Not sure
Like it
Love it
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Keep shipping and receiving records
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Repair household appliances
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Compose or arrange music
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Paint sets for plays
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Teach a high-school class
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Study ways to reduce water pollution
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Stamp, sort, and distribute mail for an organization
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Develop a new medicine
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Market a new line of clothing
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Create special effects for movies
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Sell merchandise at a department store
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Examine blood samples using a microscope
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Manage a department within a large company
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Operate a calculator
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Develop a way to better predict the weather
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Do volunteer work at a non-profit organization
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Drive a truck to deliver packages to offices and homes
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Inventory supplies using a hand-held computer
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Start your own business
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Conduct chemical experiments
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Perform rehabilitation therapy
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Write books or plays
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Help people with personal or emotional problems
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Write scripts for movies or television shows
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Negotiate business contracts
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Give career guidance to people
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Build kitchen cabinets
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Install software across computers on a large network
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Test the quality of parts before shipment
How much would you enjoy doing this activity:
Assemble electronic parts
You are all finished!